A chance to go deeper
Real and relevant experience is key to understanding the particular context a business operates in. Read our latest findings and articles about the current challenges businesses are facing.
Presenting with Impact
Think back to school or university and chances are you can remember the dread and anxiety of being asked to present your work infront of your classmates having no real idea of what you’re doing and wishing to just get it done and out of the way. Enter the working world a few years later and long behold, you need to present solutions and ideas to different audiences, whether this be to customers, team members, managers, stakeholders, shareholders etc. and you need to be able to do this both clearly and effectively.
Keeping teams engaged
Do you ever have those days where you’re working on something either inside or outside of work…but it doesn’t feel like work? This is because you’re fully engaged in what you’re working on. This level of engagement towards work is something that every manager or leader dreams of from their teams.
Marginal gains
“The Sky is the Limit” “Dream Big” - many of us set ourselves such high goals to achieve that it can be overwhelming just thinking about the amount of work and time we need to put in in order to achieve those goals. At work, we can be given huge projects or targets that - on the surface - seem unachievable.
Motivating my team to perform
With lockdown measures easing across the U.K and Europe, more and more people are returning to work after several months of working from home, largely unobserved and potentially - depending on their job role - with a reduced workload.
How to positively say “no”
There are some people who just won’t take ‘No’ for an answer. You may be thinking “Good for them, never settle.” but sometimes people make demands that simply cannot be met due to limitations. When this happens and these individuals refuse to accept this, they prevent themselves from moving forward towards some kind of resolution that is positive for them.
Culture of accountability
At some point, we are all responsible for something. Whether this is paying the bills, looking after a pet, managing a team, or completing a project. Most people enjoy being entrusted with responsibility as this makes them feel valued.
5 ways businesses use DISC
As a species, we are social creatures. The level of harmony amongst us is based entirely on how we interact with one another. DISC analyses our individual behaviours and communication preferences and quantifies this into data. This allows us to review and compare one person to another, identifying similarities and differences.
Returning to work
For many of us in the U.K, today will mark just over a week since lockdown measures allowed workers who are unable to work at home to return to work under Covid-19 conditions, including; maintaining social distancing where possible and wearing homemade PPE on public transport.
Managing remote teams 101
Remote working has come to the forefront of managing and leading teams in 2020. For the first time, a lot of managers have had to adapt their way of working to effectively manage their teams from a distance. The decisions and actions made during this time will no doubt affect the way all teams work together and are managed in a post Covid-19 world.
Leadership during lockdown
Since lockdown began, we have seen the quality of leaders across all industries tested like never before. At the same time, we have witnessed a rise in emerging talent as individuals show their value through creativity, continued development and effectively managing their teams all whilst working remotely.